Asphalt Tour Modified and Super Modified slot car bodies, chassis, parts, decals, and accesories for oval track slot car racing.

nymodifieds.com Tour ModifiedSupermod05nymodifieds.com Super Modified

nymodifieds.com 3D ModifiedSupermod05Static-buildsSupermod05nymodifieds.com Decals


Top row L–R: • Realistic NASCAR Tour Modified built and super-detailed by customer as a shelf model. • Supermodified shown with driver, wide-5 wheel inserts, and injected motor. These Supermodifieds sport tough brass chassis, lightweight body work, steam roller tires, high performance motors, and the wing plants them down just like the real ISMA Supermods!
Middle row L–R: • A 3D model of a '35 Chevy Vintage Modified Coupe. This is really special 1/32 scale vintage hardbody slot car, and it will be available from "White-Kar Models" as a kit soon! • Custom decals made for a 1/25 scale Ryan Preece resin-cast shelf model in-progress. • Decals supplied for a 1/25 hardbody Buzzy Reutimann Vintage Modified Coupe slot car racer.
Bottom row L–R: • Standard almost-ready-to-run 1/32 Cavalier Modified slot car racer with painted chassis, ProTrack foams and wheel inserts. • Body-on-Chassis Geoff Bodine Tour Modified. • #1 RWB Jarzombek tribute Body-on-chassis.
Plus we have many other items for modelers and slot car racers , 1/24 Tour Modifieds, 1/32 Tour Modifieds, Super Modifieds, and things related to asphalt modified racing...

We make asphalt Tour Modified slot car bodies, chassis, parts and accesories for oval track slot car racing. Click on "Modifieds" and "Super Modifieds" in the header to check out the extensive list of body options currenty available.


Our bodies are eligible to race Reality Raceway Modified Invitational Tour, Long Island Modified Tour, Maine State Open Wheel Modified Tour, and New England Challenge Cup slot car racing series and events, as well as the richest Modified oval track slot car race in the nation; the Frostbite 500.

In addition to running the New York area and New England - NYMODIFIEDS are racing regionally in Ohio, California, Illinois, Colorado, Oregon, Canada, Australia and even South Africa! Not only are we having fun making and racing slot car replicas of our favorite cars and drivers from different eras - We are making them available to other slot car racers and builders. All bodies are available in 1/32 and 1/24 scales.

#77_chassis #77_Fuller_modified #77_Fuller

They have the right stance and can be made to replicate your local Modified ‘heroes’, plus they perform very well, are sturdy, and relatively inexpensive, and best of all - evenly matched on the wood ovals. The "1/32" Modified bodies are laminated and the chassis is based off the common 3.25” wheelbase Womp-Womp. The "1/24" Modifieds are scaled off the 4" wheelbase Parma FCR and FCR-style knock-offs. Please note - The latest JK Products Modified Chassis *and* the R-Geo Thrasher Modified Chassis are built to fit the nymodifieds "1/24" bodies perfectly! This is really the first time that an oval type left-turn-only chassis has made by major manufacturers; this is good news for the hobby of oval slot car racing!


These laminated bodies are are pretty tough. They are already 'painted' and detailed with the correct 'decals' - and they do replicate the minimalist bodywork of the Tour type and SK Modifieds pretty well.

#5_Wilsberg_modified Sunoco_modified

Right now there are over two-hundred (300+) bodies to choose from on the Modified List, and PayPal is accepted. Click on 'Modifieds' and 'Purchase' above for more information -


And don't forget to check out the 'Super Modifieds' as well - even meaner and faster! Our Super Modifieds are based off the common 3–3.25” wheelbase Womp-Womp. They work in scale with our "1/24" Tour Modifieds as the Supers are short wheelbase cars in real life, and look correct using 1/24 drivers, resin motors, and a similar wheel and tire package as our "1/24" Modifieds.



High Resolution Color Laser Printed Clear Waterslide Decals.

#X3 Jim Hendrickson Pinto Decals
1/24 Decals - #X3 Hendrickson Pinto Decals...... $10.00
1/32 Decals - #X3 Hendrickson Pinto Decals........ $8.00
Available in two scales to fit your custom modified static or slot car builds.
These are color laser printed clear waterslide decals.

We now offer WATERSLIDE DECALS for oval track race cars, vintage modifieds, and even the latest NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified race winners. These are great for 'Hard Body' slot car builds and traditional static model builds.

Available in two scales to fit your custom modified static or slot car builds!

Click on the link to go to the Model Decal Page!



3D Printed Wide-5 Modified Wheel Inserts.

We are just starting to 'roll' these 3D printed model and slot car parts out! We figure there will be lots of variations offered as we build up the library of wheels and inserts and acessories.

"Wide-5" wheel inserts created with high resolution 3D printing for scale appearance!


Modified 'Wide-5' Style Wheel Inserts (click to enlarge). The inserts really set off the Super Modified, and they come in sets of four.

I am really just a hobbyist, and this is an extension of that hobby - not a big commercial concern. That said, these new 3D printing methods allow for some volume - that is if someone needed a *bunch* of 3D printed pieces they could be reasonably delivered.

Click on the link to go to the 3D Printed Slot Car page



Slot Car Magnet Meter / Gauss Meter. Now with an ONLINE GAUSS CALCULATOR!

The unit is simple to use and it comes ready to work, with illustrated instructions and a conversion table for calculation of 'Gauss' readings (and now there is an even easier-to-use ONLINE GAUSS CALCULATOR on our website!).

Portrait of a Slot Car Genius6pt-spacenymodifieds.com gauss meter package6point-spaceGauss Meter instructions

There were a few Gauss meters on the market but they were expensive - We are offering these inexpensively enough that a racer would not have to be a PRO SLOT CAR RACER to justify the purchase.

A useful tool for the Racer! NOW WITH AN ONLINE GAUSS CALCULATOR!

Click on the link to go to the Magnet Meter / Gauss Meter page!



HO Scale Modified Conversion Kit – HO Scale Drag Racing Conversion Kit

Modified Legends Nutmeg Ertl – Drag Racing – Hot Wheels – 1/64 Scale Die-Cast – Johnny Lightning

HO Diecast conversionspacerJohnny Lightning HO conversion

Click on the link to go to the HO Scale Die-Cast Slot Car Conversions!
